
We provide practical client training courses worldwide in various languages, led by trained and qualified tutors. Many of our courses are endorsed by relevant professional bodies and based on our experience of assessing management systems.

We offer both public and in-company training events including customised training solutions. We have also introduced multi-disciplinary training, which can prove ideal for companies as they merge their various management systems for greater efficiency. Whether you are responsible for auditing your quality, environment or health and safety management system, we have the courses which will enable you to integrate your systems.

In-house training

CCQM’s in-company training solutions provide your organisation with bespoke courses enabling you to address specific needs or circumstances. Our trainers engage the participants and are focused on the objectives of the training. As practicing assessors, they have in-depth knowledge of the type of problems and issues you face daily. They use the latest thinking, real experiences and practical models to ensure that everything you learn can be transferred back to the workplace.

Public training

We also run a range of training courses open to delegates from a variety of organisations. This can be a highly cost effective way to target training for a handful of individuals who need to develop specific areas of expertise. In addition, we can provide distance learning initiatives in the areas of quality management and quality assurance.

Please visit our local office websites or complete the form below for more information.

It’s important, that:

When we look at your management systems, we are not simply referring to your documented way of doing things. We are also going to look at what really happens in your organisation. We want to know that you have a planned approach to dealing with particular issues, whether it is written down, or an informal approach.