EXAM CANCELLATION Please contact your partner for any changes regarding examination date, time, location, or other details.
PREPARE FOR A CERTIFICATION EXAM Candidates are responsible for their own study and preparation for the exam. No specific set of courses or curriculum of study is mandatory as part of the certification process. The completion of a recognized CCQM course or program of study can significantly enhance your chance of passing a CCQM certification examination.
Candidates shall contact one of our partners, who provide training courses and exam sessions worldwide. To find a training provider, review CCQM’s qualified training partners/agents .
TAKE A CERTIFICATION EXAM Candidates will be required to arrive at least thirty (30) minutes before the beginning of the certification exam. Candidates arriving late will not be given additional time to compensate for the late arrival and may be denied entry to the exam room (if they arrive more than 5 minutes after the beginning of the exam scheduled time). A candidate that had exclusively registered for an exam (who did not follow a training course) and does not show up the day of the exam will have to register for a new exam.
All candidates will need to present a valid identity card with a picture such as a driver’s license or a government ID to the invigilator.
The duration of the exam varies according to the type of examination taken (see description of the different exams.
Additional time can be provided to candidates taking the exam in a language different than their mother tongue, when requested by the candidates on the exam day:
Foundation exam: 10 minutes
Manager exams: 20 minutes
Lead-exams: 30 minutes
There are two exam types:
Multiple choice “closed book” exam where the candidates are not authorized to use anything but the exam paper and a pen or, Essay type “open book” exam where the candidates are only authorized to use the following reference materials: A copy of the standard in paper hardcopy Course notes from the Participant Handout Any personal notes made by the student during the course A hard copy dictionary. The use of electronic devices, such as laptops, cell phones, etc., is not allowed.
The passing score for the exams differs.
To ensure impartiality, independent invigilators are designated to monitor the examination process and these invigilators will also ensure anonymity by assigning an identification number to each candidate’s exam.
RECEIVE YOUR EXAM RESULTS Results will be communicated by email in a period of 4 to 8 weeks, after taking the exam. The results will not include the exact grade of the candidate, only a mention of pass or fail.
Candidates who successfully complete the examination will be able to apply for a certified scheme which is explained in the course description.
In the case of a failure, the results will be accompanied with the list of domains in which the candidate had failed to provide guidance for exams’ retake preparation.
Candidates, who disagree with the exam results, may file a complaint by writing to examination@ccqm.ch or through CCQM ticketing system.
EXAM RETAKE POLICY There is no limit on the number of times a candidate may retake an exam. A retake fee applies.
Only students, who have completed the full training but fail the written exam, are eligible to retake the exam for free, under one condition:
“A student can only retake an exam once and this retake must occur within 12 months from the initial exam’s date.”
EXAMINATION SECURITY A significant component of a successful and respected professional certification credential is maintaining the security and confidentiality of the examination. CCQM relies upon the ethical behaviour of certificate holders and applicants to maintain the security and confidentiality of CCQM examinations. When someone who holds CCQM credentials reveals information about CCQM examination content, they violate the CCQM Code of Ethics. CCQM will take action against individuals who violate CCQM Policies and the Code of Ethics. Actions taken may include permanently barring individuals from pursuing CCQM credentials and revoking certifications from those who have been awarded the credential. CCQM will also pursue legal action against individuals or organizations who infringe upon its copyrights, proprietary rights, and intellectual property.
EXAM TIPS On the day of the exam:
Plan to arrive at the exam site at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment. Get a good night’s rest the night before. Exam will last 3 hours. Eat a well-balanced meal prior to reporting to the exam center. Avoid excessive stimulants such as caffeine. Read and follow the instructions carefully. Ask the Invigilator for clarification if you are not sure about the instructions. Periodically check your progress. This will allow you to make any adjustments in time. Pay attention to the time you have left to finish the exam. Only the questions you answer correctly are scored. There are no penalties for answering a question incorrectly, so answer as many questions as you can. If you are unsure of a response, eliminate as many options as possible, and choose an option from those that remain.