Continual Improvement

To get best value from our services, you should look to challenge us, keep us informed, tell us what matters most to you, and use the certification, verification and training processes as ways to improve your business and reduce risk.

These should be positive experiences, helping you to build confidence in your processes, find improvements and eliminate weaknesses. In this way, you can reduce the risk of errors, accidents, claims, and prosecutions.

To get the maximum value out of the process, our two organisations need to work together in an atmosphere of trust and co-operation. We need to build relationships and it’s important the people in your organisation see that we’re there to help.

You should encourage everyone to use the certification process as a way to improve the health of your organisation, and the way you do things.

It’s important, that:

When we look at your management systems, we are not simply referring to your documented way of doing things. We are also going to look at what really happens in your organisation. We want to know that you have a planned approach to dealing with particular issues, whether it is written down, or an informal approach.