
Keeping it simple

Here at ISO Quality Services our Lead Assessors have built up countless years of experience helping companies from a wide range of backgrounds. This enables us to provide first class consultancy on a wide range of activities.

The main form of consultancy that we provide is the taking clients to the point where they are ready for Accreditation. The main reason why a company would require Accredited Certification is that it is a demand placed upon them by either:

  • a customer,
  • a trade association,
  • or a regulatory Body.
Did you know? A SAS Accredited Certification body cannot offer any assistance with the implementation of the ISO Standards and therefore a consultancy organisation is required.

Additionally, our bespoke consultancy includes but is not exclusive to:

  • Conducting a GAP analysis
  • Conducting an internal audit
  • Help completing a tender document and the associated procedures
  • Auditing of suppliers
  • Remote auditor support
  • Investors in People Accreditation

Our approach to consultancy is no different to that for the implementation of the ISO Management Standards: in that we pride ourselves on keeping it simple.

We appreciate that the above activities can prove to be somewhat daunting; but our vastly experienced and successful Lead Assessors and our dedicated behind-the-scenes team will ensure the process is straightforward and stress free.