AS 9100 – Aerospace

What is AS 9100?

AS 9100 is a Quality Management System Standard developed by the International Aerospace Quality Group and it is based on ISO 9001 with additions and interpretations specific to the aviation space and defence industry sectors. AS 9100 has some associated standards, including 9110 which is designed for repair and overhaul organisations and 9120 which is designed for distributor stockholders. The 9100 standard is issued in Americas as ‘AS 9100′, in Europe as ‘EN 9100′ and in Asia-Pacific as ‘JIS Q 9100′.

Why is AS 9100/9110/9120 important to your organisation?

Certification against 9100/9110/9120 provides evidence that your products and services meet the demanding expectations and standards of the aviation, space and defence sector. It shows that you operate according to internationally agreed and recognised practices for quality management, and is essential to winning contracts worldwide. Benefits include:

  • Internationally agreed and recognised practices for quality management in the aviation, space and defence sector.
  • Eligibility for inclusion on OASIS – the Online Aerospace Supplier Information System database.
  • A common language for dealing with customers and suppliers worldwide.
  • Increased efficiency and effectiveness.
  • A model for continual and systematic improvements in quality
  • A model for delivering excellence for customers and other stakeholders.

AS 9100/9110/9120 benefits

We focus our assessments on the areas and issues that are important to your business. CCQM assessors are industry specialists and experts who understand your business needs, enabling an effective and robust assessment of your system. 9100/9110/9120 certification from CCQM demonstrates a clear and transparent commitment to quality and continual improvement.

  • Competitive advantage – improve your products, processes and service quality, leading to higher customer satisfaction levels and improved efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Continual improvement – our services help you to improve performance, reduce risk, reduce waste and introduce continual improvement into your organisation.
  • Grow market share – by improving quality right across your supply chain, we help you to reassure clients, develop new market opportunities and win new business.
  • Show your commitment – working with CCQM is a clear demonstration of your commitment to quality. We are a market leader in the provision of management systems assessment, certification and training services, and over half of the world’s top 200 companies choose CCQM as their certification provider.
  • Sector expertise – Some of the biggest names in the aerospace industry are our clients, and we can help you benefit from the best practices from across the aerospace industry.