Themed Surveillance

At CCQM, we approach assessment differently. First, we find out what matters most to you, what you want to improve, what needs attention, what keeps your senior managers awake at night.

Themed Surveillance is:

  • an opportunity to focus on the business priorities rather than just conformance
  • designed to impact on the organisation’s improvement effort
  • a means of getting more value out of the data the company already produces.

Then we evaluate the things that matter, so you know where you stand, and if anything is wrong you can put it right before it causes major problems.

Our themed surveillance activity takes the critical issues most important to your business and examines them in detail to test the effectiveness of the management system. This will also confirm the effectiveness of the management system in dealing with issues in the future. It’s not just about compliance anymore; it’s about improving the way you run your business and tying your strategic objectives to our assessment process.

What to expect

To deliver value our assessor will need to talk with a range of people in your organisation. The list might include your quality manager, health & safety representative, senior management team, the CEO and the financial director. Our assessor will look to talk to them about the risks and key issues the business faces.

Our assessor will:

  • engage with your top management and discuss what matters most to your business in terms of compliance and improvement
  • identify and agree the surveillance visit themes relevant to your key business issues
  • determine which processes should be examined and how and where your control actions should be assessed
  • carry out an assessment which reflects the agreed themes
  • report assessment findings which are directly valuable to your organisation.

Focus on what matters most

When we focus our attention on what matters most to your organisation, we are able to target those areas of the business and of the management system that are controlling those issues.

And through our objective, independent and impartial assessment we can tell you whether they are effective or not. If they are effective, there may be ways they can be further improved. If they are not effective, we can explore ways to turn that situation around.

In this way, the most important processes in your business can be made sustainable, repeatable and robust.

That leads to a much stronger business.